
Performance Showcase Information. Must Read!

Everything you need to know about our upcoming Performance Showcase is below! Please ensure you have read this information before you register.

 Registering to perform is a commitment. Please do not withdraw from the event. 

Spirit Of The Event

To provide an inclusive and supportive environment for performing, where skill levels are balanced and optimised to the best of our ability to ensure performances run smoothly. This means we may have lower and higher skill levels, and in some cases mixed ages, within a band. We strive for a positive experience to be had by all, including performers, families and staff. If you register for the event, it is assumed you understand what it is all about and contribute to the positive experience for all. If the event isn’t for you, that’s okay, we may have other events that suit a more individualised approach.

Register HERE 

Rehearsal Schedule is HERE

Session List is HERE

Event Details

Friday evening December 13th.

 Adult Session Doors 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Approximate finish time 10:00pm.

Saturday December 14th.

Session 1 Doors 9:30am for a 10am start.

Session 2 Doors 11:30 for a 12:00pm start.

Session 3 Doors 1:30pm for 2pm start.

Session 4 Doors 3:30pm for 4pm start. Concludes approximately 5:30pm.

Note: we cannot meet requests to perform in particular Saturday sessions/times.  If registering for the Saturday event, ensure you are available for the duration of the day. We can only advise your session times once the program is finalised.


Old Museum Brisbane, 480 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills QLD 4006

Find parking and transport information here.

The Old Museum is located 0.6 km north of the Fortitude Valley Railway station along Brunswick Street (11min walk).


On sale from Monday November 11th

Off sale from 11:59pm Sunday December 8th (in case of overselling, we need time to mitigate)

A reminder that performers also require a ticket so please include them when booking.

Purchase Tickets HERE

Sessions are separately ticketed with allocated seating.  Refer to the Session List so you know which session to purchase tickets for.  


If you have a child under 6, while admission is free, a complimentary ticket is required.

PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE as early as you can. We rely on accurate estimates of attendees provided at registration when planning sessions, however there is a risk sessions will over sell. Tickets are NOT available on the day from the venue.

Ticket Costs

Note: The Old Museum Box Office charges a ticketing fee of $4.


Single Ticket: $30 (theatre seating)


Single Ticket: $22.50 (theatre seating)

Child (5 & under): $0.00 (ticket still required and the box office’s ticketing fee will apply)

On The Day

We appreciate your cooperation to help us make the event run as smoothly as possible on the day.  Please arrive on time for doors in the session you are playing. Guests, including performers, will not be permitted to enter the auditorium prior to doors.  We are busy until this time with set up and sound check.  Upon entering the performance space, performers are to place their instruments to the side of the stage as directed by staff and immediately find their seat in the audience.  If performers wish to warm up they should do so at home as there will be no opportunity for this on the day.  Latecomers will only be admitted in between acts.  Please respect the instructions given by the ushers.

Performers will be called to the side of the stage a few acts in advance.  When called, please move promptly to the designated area, remain silent and follow directions given by staff.  Once your performance is finished, absorb your applause and immediately return to your seat in the audience.

A substantial and encouraging audience is critical to the performers’ positive experience at the event, so we do appreciate that you stay for the duration of the session and help create the atmosphere we strive for.  While we prefer that people stay for the duration of a session, we appreciate it is not always possible with small children who can become distressed.  If you choose to leave before the end of a session, please do so only between acts so as not to disturb the performance.



Can I perform in more than 1 act?

Yes, subject to allocations. Let your coach know you are interested and they can make a note to keep you in mind. There can often be late withdrawals and unallocated parts that we would always prefer to give to performers who are keen. Just bear in mind this may mean attending two separate rehearsal times.

What time am I playing?

Unfortunately that is a difficult question to answer. While we may have a plan for song orders, the runsheet is often changed up to and including the event, meaning song orders can change even during the session. Make sure you are available in time for DOORS up until session finish time to avoid issues.

Do performers need to purchase a ticket?

Yes, performers are required to purchase a ticket. There are a couple of reasons for this:

1. Allocated seating: Performers will be part of the audience when they’re not on stage, so having a ticket ensures they have a designated seat.

2. Fairness and cost control: Requiring performers to purchase tickets helps distribute the event’s costs more equitably and helps keep ticket prices affordable for everyone. In the past, many performers did not bring guests, yet they still benefited from participating in the event. Ticket revenue plays a crucial role in subsidising the event’s expenses, as this event is not profit-oriented; it’s organised to make the experience as low cost and enjoyable for all.

Is it okay if I am late?

Please try to arrive on time for doors.  Admitting guests into the performance space during the show is disruptive and discourteous to performers.  You also risk missing your performance entirely.

What do I need to bring?

Guitarists: Only your guitar. A staff member will be off stage to tune instruments.

Pianists:  Only your sheet music if you need it.  It’s better if you can perform a piece from memory, given the nature of the event.

Drummers: Sticks

Can I bring my own amp and effects?

Generally this isn’t advised as it can complicate matters, namely changeover times and the work the sound engineers have to do. We provide modern amps with in-built effects (amp simulation, delay, reverb and modulation). Additionally, we have 3 BOSS Overdrive/Distortion pedals supplied on the day. All of these are sound checked before the event to maintain an even volume. However, if you have a particular effect that isn’t catered for, and the song requires it, you can bring a battery powered stop box and patch lead if you deem it absolutely necessary. Please discuss your effects needs with your coach during your lessons.

Media Release

Our media release is in place as we cannot possibly prevent members of the audience from taking photos or video on the day.  However, if you do not wish to have images of you or your child used by us on the website or social media please just let us know! You may have to look through all our photos to identify you or your child so we know not to use the photo.


Are there rehearsals?

Yes, there will be a supervised rehearsal at the Indooroopilly studio. You will receive details about your rehearsal time as soon as we organise it, but please note that the scheduled rehearsal is on Sunday, November 24th, between 9 AM and 6 PM. Unfortunately, this is the only opportunity for performers to come together for a supervised rehearsal, so please save the date.

ADULT BANDS ONLY: Additionally, the rehearsal room will be available for unsupervised rehearsals, in the weeks leading up to the event. Once this option becomes active, we will publish the availability details HERE.

What do rehearsals cost?

All rehearsals are free of charge.


Is there a rehearsal?

Yes, there will be a supervised rehearsal at the Indooroopilly studio. You will receive details about your rehearsal day & time as soon as we organise it, but please note that the scheduled rehearsals are on the two weekends prior to the event, between 9am and 5pm. Please save those dates and we will lock in your rehearsal day as early as mid October, with the specific time following a couple of weeks later.

What do rehearsals cost?

All rehearsals are free of charge.

What if I can’t make my rehearsal?

Unfortunately, as there are so many songs/bands to get through, we can only realistically reserve one rehearsal time and day to each song. Obviously, not everyone will be able to attend. 

Drummers and vocalists are especially crucial to a beneficial rehearsal, so especially in those cases, let your coach know if you can’t attend and we will either provide a backing track or a fill-in musician to help your band through the song on rehearsal day. If we need to purchase a custom backing track we can also provide you with a copy to practice with if it is needed. There will be no charge for this.

What is my child playing?

Please speak to their coach. In the months leading up to the concert we coordinate a spreadsheet of song allocations. Until registrations close we cannot finalise the programme, however your child should have selected or been assigned a piece by mid October.

Important Dates

Tuesday, October 1st  – Registration Opens

Friday, October 18th – Registration Closes. LATE REGISTRATIONS NOT ACCEPTED. Places for some instruments, particularly vocals and drums, will book out prior to closure. Act quickly to avoid disappointment.

October 6th to October 28th  Band groupings and song selection (the part where we really start to lose our hair!)

Monday, November 11th – Tickets go on sale

Sunday, November 24th – Rehearsals for Friday night performers (adult bands)

Saturday-Sunday November 30th-December 1st; and December 7th-8th. Rehearsals for Saturday event performers (all ages)

(Each band will have 1 allocated time. We will confirm specific rehearsal days and times as soon as possible, expected to be 4-5 weeks out from the event)

Friday, December 13th and Saturday,  December 14th – PERFORMANCE!!!
